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Horoscopes for Libra Season 2023

Horoscopes for Libra Season 2023

Welcome to Libra season! With the sun moving through the sign of Libra we are invited to spend this season finding balance and leaning into our relationships with others. 

On September 29th there is a full moon in the sign of Aries. This full moon is important because over the next 18 months themes in the Aries ruled part of our sky will be highlighted with eclipses. Although this lunation is not an eclipse, it is a sneak peek into what themes will be highlighted for you over the course of the next few eclipse seasons. 

Venus, the planet of love, money, pleasure, creativity and romance FINALLY moves out of the sign of Leo and into the sign of Virgo. This Venus having spent four months in the sign of Leo this shift will most likely feel noticeable. Think about what themes have emerged for you around money, pleasure and creativity since June. How can you move forward with the lessons learned and seeds that have been planted around those themes?

On October 14th there is a solar eclipse in the sign of Libra. This eclipse is happening along the south node of the moon. This eclipse is an invitation to explore what themes between our Aries ruled house and Libra ruled houses we can bring into balance. 

For a little more in depth about how this will affect you, read your horoscope below. As you know I ALWAYS recommend reading for your rising sign, although you can read for your sun or moon as well. 

Aries & Aries Rising

Happy Libra Season you fiery Aries! This season as the sun moves through the area of your life ruling partnerships–both business and romantic, themes in your life surrounding your relationships will be highlighted. With your fiery and action oriented ruling planet of Mars co present with the sun, I would not be surprised to see lots of momentum (for better or worse) in this area of your life. The solar eclipse on October 14th that is happening in this area of your sky will add a little more juice to this.  Is there action that you need to take? Are there relationships that you are ready to let go of? This eclipse on the south node of the moon is an invitation for a karmic release of something in order to move more fully into yourself and reclaim your identity. 

On September 29th, there is a full moon in the sign of Aries.  The lunation is personal for you. Themes that could surface with this full moon might be around your identity, your body and appearance and how you show up in the world. With the sun in Libra opposite this moon, it might be a good time for reflection around how your close, personal relationships affect how you show up in the world. If you find that your relationships are not in alignment, the energy of Mars is there to help you make some space for things that will better serve you. 

On October 8th Venus moves into the sign of Virgo. Venus moving into the sign of Virgo could bring more pleasure and joy into areas of your life dealing with hard work, your workout routines or could mean lots of snuggles with your pets. 

With Mars, your ruler, moving into one of its home signs of Scorpio later in October, themes around other people’s money, debt, inheritance, property or your own investments could come to light. This could be a powerful time to take action.

Libra season looks as though it will be a powerful time for you to step more fully into yourself and take some time to shed light on and take inventory of your relationships. 

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

Welcome to Libra season, you lovely Taurus! 

This season will highlight themes for you surrounding hard work–the grind and the sacrifices that you make for work–your health and routines and possibly even your pets. With the sun moving through this part of your sky, you might feel a little more inclined to put your head down and get into the groove of working. It could be that you are finding a little more joy and light in accomplishing tasks and routines that would otherwise feel a little more like a grind. With a solar eclipse happening in your Libra ruled house on October 14th, I would be curious if there is some self-sacrificing that can be released in order to heal or bring into balance how much of yourself you give. Some things to consider might be if you are working too hard or is your health suffering because of how hard you work? 

On September 29th, the full moon in the sign of Aries could illuminate themes around your health (both mental and physical) or some shadows. This lunation of the full moon could reflect themes surrounding mental health or bring about some deep healing. This full moon is occuring in a place in your chart where things that aren't always visible.  Is there something just below the surface that could use some healing? This moon is a powerful time to take action around diving deep into a little shadow work. 

On October 8th, Venus, your ruling planet, leaves the sign of Leo where she has been taking up residence since June. For the past few months Venus has been putting focus on your family, home and ancestral karma. As she shifts into the sign of Virgo, you might feel a little momentum around your creativity, joy and pleasure. This could be a wonderful time to tap back into those things that really light up creatively or plan some fun dates with a romantic partner. 

As Mars enters the sign of Scorpio on October 12, this could be a good time to take inventory of the relationships (both personal romantic and business partnerships) in your life. Take a moment to reflect and ask yourself if your relationships are in alignment.  If the relationships and people in your life are not serving you, Mars is here to help clear some space. Mars is also the planet of action so this could be a time to charge ahead and create momentum in the realm of romance. 

This season for you is about exploring your pleasure and creativity and focusing on healing. 

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

Welcome to Libra Season, Gemini! This season, as the sun moves through the part of your sky ruled by Libra, themes around joy, pleasure, dating & romance and entrepreneurship will be illuminated. Are things that have been blocking you leaning fully into your pleasure and creativity? Has joy been a priority for you? With the solar eclipse happening on October 14th in the sign of Libra, this could be a potent time to reflect on if there are things you are able to release in order to lean more fully into your pleasure. 

On September 29th there is a full moon in the sign of Aries. This full moon will illuminate themes around friendships and benefactors who support you. This lunation might bring about feelings of being supported and held by the important people in your life. Could leaning into your friendships bring about healing, pleasure or to help tap into your creativity in some way? 

In mid October, Mars, the planet of action, enters the sign of Scorpio bringing lots of focused energy and momentum to the area of your life ruling over hard work, your health and sacrifice. With Mars here, I am curious if there are things in your life that you are sacrificing for that are not serving you or things that you need to take action around in order to move forward. Mars is very productive in the sign of Scorpio, so you should see some movement surrounding your work habits, physical body and health routines. 

For you, Gemini, the focus this season is getting back to your joy and leaning into your friendships for healing and connection. 

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

Happy Libra Season, Cancer! This season as the sun moves through the sign of Libra, themes around home, property and family will be highlighted. During this time, you could find yourself wanting to spend more time in your home or with family. There is also the potential for the buying or selling of real estate. With the October 14th solar eclipse in the sign of Libra, this could be an invitation to explore how to find balance between your home life and career, or how to explore opportunities to spend more time with family. This could also be a potent time to reflect on and release any ancestral karma. Are the emotions that you carry truly yours or have they been inherited?

On September 29th there is a full moon in the sign of Aries. This lunation is occurring in the part of your sky dealing with your career, public image and how you show up in the world. This could be a beautiful time to reflect on themes and cycles around completion in your job–have you reached the pinnacle of what is possible in your current position? It could also be an invitation to reflect on your job in relation to your home life. Would letting go of some responsibilities at work help to bring more balance into your personal and/or family life? Or would taking on a bigger role in your career help to provide more for your family? 

In mid October, Mars, the sign of action moves into the sign of Scorpio. As Mars makes his way through his home sign, there is sure to be action around your creativity, joy and pleasure. Are there things in your life that are getting in the way of you leaning fully into your creativity and joy? This is a potent time to release anything that is not serving you and take action around making pleasure a priority–whether that is through creative endeavors, fun date nights, artistic pursuits or even in the bedroom. 

This Libra season for you is about focusing on your private and family life, your own pleasure and joy and releasing anything in work that is blocking you from fully enjoying your life. 

Leo & Leo Rising 

Happy Libra Season, you lovely Leo! This season as the sun moves through the area of your sky ruled by Libra, themes around your daily rituals, self-care, local community community, siblings and short distance travel could take the forefront. This is a lovely time to reflect on how you are caring for yourself: your own daily routines and rituals and within relationships with your siblings and/or those in your local community. On October 14th there is a solar eclipse in the sign of Libra. This eclipse will ask what in this area of your life you can bring into balance in order to better serve yourself. More self-care? Journaling and meditation? Boundaries? 

On September 29th there is a full moon in the sign of Aries. This full moon is an opportunity to reflect on things having to do with higher education and the skills that you have learned from your studies, foreign travel and spirituality. This could be a good time to plan a trip, to put to use all of the knowledge and skills that you have accumulated throughout your studies, or dive deep into a spiritual practice.  

In mid October Mars, the sign of action and severing is moving into the sign of Scorpio.  As a Leo, Scorpio rules over the area of your life having to do with home, family, property and ancestral karma. With action-oriented Mars making moves, this could be a good time to purge items from the home that you no longer need, and create some space. This could also be a potent time to reflect on ancestral karma & patterns and sever any energetic ties dealing with transgenerational trauma, or family drama. 

This season for you brings a focus to home and family, travel and your daily rituals. 

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Happy Libra Season, Virgo! This season for you is all about the money, money, money. With Libra moving through the part of your sky that deals with your personal finances, material possessions and the skills that you have to make money, themes around money will be big for you. The solar eclipse on October 14th will ask you to reflect on what you can bring into balance to enhance your finances. 

The full moon in the sign of Aries on September 29th is an invitation to reflect on what assets other people have and connections that you have made that can help bring more financial abundance into your life. This could also be a potent time to plan for your financial future whether that is investments or taking care of debts (both money & karmic). The part of your sky that Aries rules over is about long-term financial planning, legacy wealth, other people’s assets and karmic debts. 

The beginning of October, Venus finally leaves the sign on Leo where she has been for four months. This movement of Venus into the sign of Virgo might feel like a very welcome transit. Most likely over the last few months themes dealing with your unconscious mind and heart-felt matters might have been very challenging. It may have seemed as though everything was coming to the surface for healing. I know for me, as a Virgo Rising, I have definitely experienced a dark night of the soul over the last few months. But with Venus finally moving into a new sign, the sign of “you” your body, self and health, you might feel an uptick in your all around vibe. 

In mid October, as Mars, the planet of action and severing, moves into your house of daily routines, communication and siblings, you might feel the need to cut things out of your life that no longer serve your highest self. Is there anything that is getting in the way of your self-care or daily well-being? Now is the time to let Mars take action and let it go. On the other side of the coin, if there are things that you can take action around to bring yourself more into alignment within your day to day life,  Mars is here to help you make moves. 

This season for you, Virgo, is about getting serious about your finances, getting your daily rituals and habits in check and just leaning into feeling like your most beautiful and magnetic self. 


Libra & Libra Rising 

Happy Libra season! This season is all about Y-O-U! As the sun moves through the part of your sky that rules over your body, identity and physical and mental health, you might feel just a little more luminous. This is a lovely time to put the focus on yourself and your emotional and physical needs. The solar eclipse on October 14th will bring a focus on how you can find balance between containing your energy and giving it to your close personal relationships–be it business or romantic. Remember to secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others. 

On October 29th the full moon in the sign of Aries will ask you to reflect on what can be harvested from your relationships. How have you nurtured and developed your intimate connections so that they can better support you? 

In mid October, Mars, the sign of action moves into the area of your sky ruling over your personal finances, material possessions and the skills that you utilize to make money. This could be a potent time to explore themes around money: how you make it, what you use it on and if there is any action that needs to be taken in this area of life. It could be that you need to cut out frivolous spending, take action on making a budget or purge any material goods that have been taking up space. This could also be a potent time to take action around your earning potential. 

This season is all about leaning more into what makes you feel brighter and lighter and finding balance between self and others. 

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising 

Welcome to Libra Season, Scorpio!

This season as the sun moves through your house of things that are hidden and unseen, you might feel yourself going inward to uncover things that have been lurking in the subconscious. Having the sun move through this area of your sky might not always be the most comfortable, as themes around mental health, illness and our own blindspots are illuminated. But this is a necessary season for growth and integration, and if approached with tenderness and compassion for yourself, you might unearth some hidden jewels. There is a solar eclipse on October 14th that could help to bring about some big healing and shifts on themes related to your subconscious mind.

On September 29th there is a full moon in the sign of Aries. This full moon is a potent time to reflect on themes of hard work and self sacrifice. I wonder if there are places where you can soften when it comes to sacrificing yourself and your beliefs for the work that you do. Or is there something that is calling to you–a job, a vocation or cause that you are willing to sacrifice for? 

In mid October Mars, the planet of action and movement enters the Scorpio part of your sky that rules over “you:” your physical body and appearance. Mars is your ruling planet so his movements are very important for you. Mars likes action, and in the sign of Scorpio can be somewhat intense and fixated on what he wants. Give yourself a breath and take a pause before making any rash decisions.

The areas of your life that are activated this Libra season are so subtle and nuanced, that you need to lean into any feelings of discomfort or frustration and really listen to where your intuition is guiding you. 

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

Happy Libra Season, Sagittarius! 

This Libra season puts a focus on your friendships, your wishes and dreams and blessings from The Universe. As the sun moves through this part of your sky, you might feel a little more lit up by your social circles and feel called to spend more time with your friends. You could also gain some clarity on your dreams and desires for your life or find yourself blessed with a windfall of money (fingers crossed) or some blessing bestowed by a benefactor. 

The full moon in Aries on September 29th is an opportunity for you to reflect on your creativity, pleasure, joy and sexuality. This is a house of pleasure and this lunation is an invitation to examine if you are fully honoring your own joy and desires. Where can you lean more fully into pleasure? Or is it possible that you are diving too deeply into earthly pleasures that there is something that needs to be released? 

The solar eclipse on October 14th might ask you to look at the relationships and friendships in your life and determine if they are in alignment with your most authentic self. Are you showing up to these friendships fully and are they fueling you or are they draining and taking too much of your energy? What is the relationship between your own pleasure and your friendships? Are you finding that your social interactions are fueling your creativity?

In October Venus finally moves out of the sign of Leo where she has spent the last few months in a retrograde cycle. She will move from your house of higher education, spirituality and foreign travel into the area of your life dealing with your career and public image. How can you integrate the lessons and things that you have experienced this summer into your career? Can you bring more love and pleasure into the work that you do–possibly to earn more money?

This season, Sagittarius is about finding balance between your own pleasure and desires and friendships and social circles. 

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising 

 Welcome to Libra Season Capricorn. This season as the sun moves through the part of your sky ruled by Libra, themes around work, career and your public image will be highlighted. You may be feeling more energized or invigorated when it comes to your career and work life. With Mars co present with the sun in the sign of Libra this could be a time of action and getting things done. You might be feeling a “no nonsense” energy. This is a time to remove any blocks that are getting in the way of you accomplishing tasks at work and being your most productive self. On October 14th there is a solar eclipse in the sign of Libra which might be a good time to reflect on how you can bring more into balance in your work life. 

On September 29th there is a full moon in the sign of Aries, highlighting themes around home, family, property or real estate and family karma. This lunation is a potent time to examine how what you have worked for or built has culminated in this area of your life. This could mean softening and allowing yourself to release ancestral karma, selling a property or releasing some story around the home or family unit. This could also be a story around bringing more balance into your work/home life relationship. 

Towards the middle of October you might find friendships as a focus. With Mars entering the sign of Scorpio, this could be a good time to reflect on whether the friendships in your life are serving your greater good. If there are conversations that need to be had, watch for sharp words. Mars moving through this part of your sky might mean taking more action and initiative in your friendships–think fun (maybe wild) night out with the besties. 

The focus for you this season, Capricorn, is around bringing balance into your work life in relationship to your home, family and private life. 

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

Welcome to Libra Season, Aquarius! This season, as the sun moves through the sign of Libra, themes around foreign travel, higher education and spirituality will be highlighted for you. You might feel inclined to dive deep into your studies, book a trip abroad or connect to you spiritually. 

With the energies of the full moon in the sign of Aries on September 29th and the solar eclipse in the sign of Libra on October 14th, there is an invitation to reflect on how you can find balance between these themes of travel, education and spirituality in relation to your daily routines. Whether this is integrating a mediation or journaling practice, making your education a priority or researching and consciously saving for a trip, the invitation here is to find balance and integration between these areas of life. 

In mid October Mars, the planet of action will enter the area of your life that rules over your career and public image. This energy could give you the motivation that you need to get things done at work and add some juice to your productivity. I would caution you to watch for sharp words or tensions with coworkers. Mars likes fast movement, so give yourself a moment to pause before responding to a situation that might feel a little too emotionally charged. 

Pisces & Pisces Rising 

Welcome to Libra Season, Pisces! This season for you is all about the money! With the sun moving through Libra themes around money, karma, debts and what other people have will be at the forefront for you. The sun in this area of your sky could illuminate how relationships with others play into your money story. Are there debts that need to be paid (karmic or monetary) or are there resources and skills that other people have that could help you on your journey to accumulating wealth and abundance? 

On September 29th there is a full moon in Aries. This lunation will illuminate your own financial wealth, the skills that you have to earn money and your material possessions. This is a potent time to reflect on what can be harvested in this area of life? How have you worked to build your own personal abundance? Do you have skills and resources that you can tap into in order to grow your wealth and financial well-being? With the solar eclipse in Libra on October 14th, you are being invited to find balance between what you have and what other people can provide you to grow your abundance. This lunation could also be an invitation to release debts–both financial and/or karmic.

In mid October Mars, the planet of action moves into the area of your sky associated with higher education, spirituality and foreign travel. Mars craves action and most likely you will find momentum here. Whether that means diving into your studies, booking a long distance trip or taking action around your religious and/or spiritual practices, Mars is here to get things done. 

This season for you, Pisces will most likely bring balance into your finances and resources.